Drum It Up! (E-Book)

20 Classroom drumming pieces for Grades 3-6

by Sandy Lantz and Gretchen Wahlberg

The 20 pieces in this book are sequential drumming pieces for hand drums, barrel drums, tubanos, congas, and small percussion. You'll find everything from easy hand drum pieces using the echo process, to show stoppers with black light beaters or sock mallets circling and beating on giant barrel drums!

All of these pieces are tried and true, used many times with great success with children and in Level courses, workshops, and conference sessions. Each piece comes with teaching suggestions that will start your creative juices flowing.

The E Book is interactive in PDF and EPUB formats. All hyperlinks are active as well as links to each song in the table of contents. Click on the song title of any song to return to the table of contents. The download folder includes the book in PDF and EPUB formats, a booklet with copy-ready lyric sheets, individual song sheets, and projection-ready visuals for your interactive whiteboards and LCD projectors. 

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