Songs of the Sun (Book/Supplemental Materials)

by Tiffany Unarce Barry

Filipino Folk Songs for the Musical Classroom

 This new title is all about songs and games from the Philippines with Orff process lesson plans. Songs of the Sun includes translations and pronunciation guides along with recordings of each song. You thought you knew lots of children's games? You need to check out this great resource! 


This set of songs and chants has passed from family, friends, and the Filipino community. Most of them are in Tagalog, but as is often true in oral traditions, multiple versions exist in different dialects. Various children's books from the Philippines are referenced throughout this text for additional source material. 


Audio recordings, visuals of the lyrics, videos, and additional music scores are included with this book's purchase. Audio recordings include an a cappella version of each song and the pronunciation of the Filipino lyrics.

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